Monday, August 10, 2015

August 10, 2015

Querida Familia!

So great to hear from you all. Thank you so much for the updates, pictures, and videos. They are such a highlight for me! I can't believe it is already Monday again. The weeks go by so fast it's incredible! I am excited to tell you about this week haha it was one I will never forget.

To start off, the WORST thing happened to us this week. And if you are going to judge just go right ahead and skip this paragraph. We got lice. Yep, you read that right. LICE. It was terrible!! One of our investigators had it and it didn't take long before we noticed them in our hair. After some phone calls to the Packs on what to do (Hermana Pack is our life saver! or "lice" saver haha I just came up with that ), we spent all friday trying to get rid of the problem. Turns out listerine in your head does the trick haha! Oh it is nasty stuff. We have spent a collective 15 hours  picking at our heads this week... but we are almost clean! Heavenly Father knows about every hair on my companions head, and now so do I. The weird part is apart from all of the craziness, we were able to have one of the highest weeks of lessons taught. How does that even work we were inside for almost two days straight?! Miracles.

Of those lessons we taught, we able to get Cory and Judy ready for their baptism on FRIDAY! The best! Vanessa still has some things she needs to work out, but she has a rock solid testimony and I have no doubts that she will be following her daughters examples soon. These two girls are angels and are so excited for their baptism. Everytime they see us they remind us how many days until August 14th (as if we aren't counting down the days ourselves!). They are going to be
amazing members of the church I am so excited for them.

Susi is still progressing toward her baptismal date for September 19th as well! We did receive some sad news this week though. Susi is divorced and the father of her girls isn't going to get them
permission to get baptized. We still have time though and are praying for a miracle! The girls want to get baptized so bad it is the cutest thing. The Lord is in charge though and know that He has a plan for them. If nothing else, Susi and her girls have taught me that! This family really is such a light for me in my mission I am so grateful for them.

So remember how sometimes I overreact and get worried about things that don't really need to be worried about? Yeah the mission hasn't changed that haha Lilian is fine! They just had work until 5 in the morning (instead of 2 or 3), so they couldn't get up in time for church. We met with her twice this week though and she never ceases to amaze me. She has so many hard things going on in her life, but she never loses her faith. An amazing example to me! This week she told us that she and Kleo need to get married soon so she can get baptized :) The best! It will still be a little while, but she has the desires and there really isn't anymore we can ask for as missionaries!

We have been meeting with lots of new people that have a lot of potential. One family that I wanted to tell you about is the MaƱeca Family. They were on vacation in the north of Spain and guess who
contacted them? Hermana Toone :) She got their information, gave it to me, and it turns out they live just around the corner! We were able to meet with them yesterday and wow this is a family with a lot of faith.  They were so grateful to have the chance to talk about Christ with us and were very receptive to the idea of the restoration. We have another appointment with them this week and are excited to see their progression.

I think that is about it for this week. Apart from the lice, we really had a great week. We organized a ward talent show and it turned out great. I played the piano for a skit for one of the members (without
music- ah!) and the missionaries sung a "Love Story" but with missionary lyrics. It was hilarious haha such a fun night. We have a very full week ahead of us! Thank you for the love, support, and
prayers. I don't know how I got so blessed to have you as my family! I love you and hope you have an amazing week.

hermana marsh

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Canarian platanos! This pic was taken in honor of my mother ;)
Every thursday we eat with Gianni and his family. Cutest people! Here
is their daughter Donna :)
 Lice treatment... so gross.
 We got to eat with annie this week! We were spoiled rotten.

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